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Rebecca Shields, CEO of CMHA-YRSS talks loneliness on THE FEED!
Creating “Caring Communities” is essential for the future: CMHA York Region
Can we stop chronic loneliness? York Region takes lead in prevention strategy
The mortality impact of social isolation
‘It is a parallel pandemic’: What loneliness does to our mental health
Report Snippets
Community Readiness Criteria
This section emphasizes the need for stakeholders who are willing to mobilize resources, collaborate with diverse groups, and act on community indicators. It highlights the importance of logical representation, access to data, and willingness to contribute insights related to belonging, health services, socio-economic status, and culture.
Describing the Conditions for Belonging
The Solutions for Belonging Framework proposes that Belonging is enabled through Presence, Access, Cultures and Place. This section will explain exactly what we mean by each of these conditions.
Getting more Detailed
A population-based approach addresses factors beyond the health system to improve community well-being, while an equity-based approach focuses on groups disproportionately affected by systemic barriers. In York Region, diverse demographics include 47.8% immigrants, 14.6% single-parent households, and 4.7% widowed, highlighting groups at higher risk for chronic loneliness.
Key Facts About Loneliness and Belonging
To give context to the issue of loneliness and the importance of belonging, here are some key facts that have helped shape our framework.
Population Based Strategy: Food for Thought
"Population-based approaches to mental health" are nonclinical interventions aimed at improving mental health outcomes for groups defined by geography or demographics. These strategies focus on system-level changes, policies, and environmental factors, requiring a societal shift and further research to ensure effectiveness in reducing mental health disparities.
Sample Community Solutions and Indicators
This content outlines community solutions and indicators for improving social well-being, focusing on mentorship, accessibility, cultural diversity, and public spaces. Key solutions include peer mentorship, pet-friendly policies, walkability improvements, promoting diversity, and enhancing greenspace. Indicators track participation, social support, and accessibility levels.
Suggested Roadmap for Using the Framework
The framework is a tool and this section outlines our suggested roadmap for using it effectively.