Getting more Detailed
A population-based approach addresses factors beyond the health system to improve community well-being, while an equity-based approach focuses on groups disproportionately affected by systemic barriers. In York Region, diverse demographics include 47.8% immigrants, 14.6% single-parent households, and 4.7% widowed, highlighting groups at higher risk for chronic loneliness.
A population-based approach means that looking broadly at the complex and interrelated factors beyond the health system to impact the population (community). An equity-based approach means looking at groups that are disproportionately harmed by structural barriers or systemic inequities. A living, dynamic balance is sought between achieving breadth and depth of impact, and through enhancements and by mitigating harm.
Identify the populations that make up your community.
E.g. According to the Statistics Canada, the York Regional Health Unit has a population of 1,173,335 people. The full data set is available here.
- 66.7% are aged 15 to 64
- 16.3% are aged 0 to 14
- 17% are aged 65 and up
- Immigrants make up 47.8% of the population
- 16.4% of the population live by themselves.
- 14.6% of family households are 1-parent families
- 14.3% of private households report an after-tax income of less than $40,000, in a region where the median after-tax income for households is $97,000.
- 5.9% of the population do not understand English (nor French)
Highlight populations that are at higher risk for chronic loneliness. Inequities and risk factors may vary from region to region.
- 0.5% of the population identify as Indigenous
- 1% of the population are migrants from outside of Canada (data from 2020)
- 265 individuals reported speaking sign language most often at home, of which 50 use a sign language other than ASL
- 4.7% of the population is widowed
- 4.8% are divorced
- 2.1% are separated
- 2% are aged 85 and up
*Statistics Canada: Given that the non-binary population is small, data aggregation to a two-category gender variable is sometimes necessary to protect the confidentiality of responses provided. In these cases, non-binary persons are distributed into the other two gender categories and are denoted by the "+" symbol. "Men+" includes men (and/or boys), as well as some non-binary persons. "Women+" includes women (and/or girls), as well as some non-binary persons.
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