Chapter 1
A Community Framework to End Chronic Loneliness
By impacting the Conditions for Belonging, we will see a shift towards belonging and reducing loneliness at population levels. If we create positive conditions for people in our communities with Presence, Access, Culture and Place we are on the path towards ending chronic loneliness.
People need someone, someplace and something to belong to. The Community Framework enables the conditions for belonging through:
Ending Chronic Loneliness
It is a community algorithm applied at a population level for belonging:
Describing the Conditions for Belonging
The Solutions for Belonging Framework proposes that Belonging is enabled through Presence, Access, Cultures and Place. This section will explain exactly what we mean by each of these conditions.
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Population Based Strategy: Food for Thought
"Population-based approaches to mental health" are nonclinical interventions aimed at improving mental health outcomes for groups defined by geography or demographics. These strategies focus on system-level changes, policies, and environmental factors, requiring a societal shift and further research to ensure effectiveness in reducing mental health disparities.
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Chapter 2
Learning More from our Work: Resources & Results
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